Friday, March 27, 2009

Weird, Since when am I good at debating?
Anyway, teacher asked me to join the ENGLISH debate team ( I don't stand a chance in the Chinese one of course) which will be attending a tournament on the first of April.

Ookay, now I'm stuck.
No experience,
No exposure,
No skills.
What should I do? =.=
The tournament will be held at KDU colleague, Damansara.
I hate the feeling when someone 'Bombs' you until you have nothing else to say.
I'm praying hard that it won't happen to me.

Pressure is getting the better of me I think,
And I just get to lie on the bed all day long,
Because of fever.
Hate it.. Hate it..
Kay larh,
I supposed it's enough writing for someone sick *sobs*
Signing off~~

I don't wanna continue this puppy love,
Will abstinence work?

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Don worry... Do not worry about tomorrow coz tomorrow will worry about itself. i forgoten which book from the bible it came from la.. haha.. but yea. my point is.. don worry! you were chosen for a reason! Shine bright, you can do it ^^