Friday, April 24, 2009

Yowz, missing 3 weeks of school ain't bliss, it ain't bliss at all.
Now I'm stuck with 4 chapters of physics, 2 chapters of maths, 1 chapter of Chemistry... And the list goes on. And what adds salt n the wound is that we're having our exam in 2 weeks time. Walao, what to do sia..

Anyway, I was staying back after school to catch up with my studies. Zhen Nien was teaching me xD Haha, thanks man! =D After that session of Physics and Maths, Jin Hui they all asked me to go to the music center to play piano with them. Alah, so long didn't play d, so just go with them larh. We reached there, and there wasn't any empty rooms, and then we saw these people.

They saw us coming,

They opened the door wider,

They played the piano harder,( and the song was Canon in D =.=)

And purposely talked so loud so that we heard about their skills, whatever.

Then when we got the room, we played back =D
We took turns, bang the piano with songs that would shake the earth =D
I wouldn't like to say the songs because you might faint ( Although bragging ain't nice, but you know... xD)
And they stood there, shocked,
Mouth Opened

Wakaka, SYOK!!

That's what they get for doing what they did. xD


Cocoa said...

just write out what songs u play~

Anonymous said...

lolz...ty, its gud 2 keep it in our memory...XD

Anonymous said...
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