Saturday, June 12, 2010

Here am I now in GAYBOY NICK's house with everyone watching football. haha. I missed the first round where S.Korea won Greece with a 2-0 margin. DAMNIT. Now this game is really boring, with Argentina leading Nigeria by 1-0.

Yesterday was a great day YAY!
I was supposed to ENJOY the school band's performance yesterday, but due to the lack of space, I ended up standing , with SP of course. HAHA
So we decided to get out of the stuffed room and sit by the basketball court where she helped me cut my fingernails, IN THE DARK. It was a weird but quite intriguing experience I guess, cause I bet no one ever tried it before =P
It's been some time since I've seen her, so yea.

Tomorrow's gonna be a good day I guess, everything will go just well =P

1 comment:

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