Thursday, December 17, 2009

I've just made a GREAATEST decision in my life =D =D
I'm quiting DotA~~~~~~~~~(in a few months time that is xD)
YAY!! I hear claps coming from all over the place. Haha
Basically, ( LOL!! internal joke)
I don't really know wad made me feel like quiting DotA, and most probably I'll be back in a few months time, but at least I'm making an effort wad right? xD Bout the GY camp I attended two days ago, It was a BLAST, no two BLASTS =.= We get to play sports till 3a.m in the morning during the last day. I did it, and ended up with sprained muscles and broken bones. -.-
So kids, don't try this at home. Haha
After two whole days of EMO-ing, I'm back being myself again!! Even I'm not, I have to be cuz PinYo's farewell party is in two days time, and... Yeah, you get the point =.=
Nyways, I hope that the holidays end faster, cuzzz I'm damn boreeeeeeeeed=(

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